Find my twin (2010)
We designed two identical boxes with a little lens that was a window into a virtual compass. The needle always points to the other box. Each box had a compartment which was locked with a combination lock. The combination was written on the other box. This meant that you would only be able to discover what was in the boxes by searching for its twin.
As an initial experiment the two boxes were placed at two different locations in a park. Two strangers would use the compasses to solve the task of finding each other. After many confusing moments the two participants ended up meeting on a bridge. They managed to open them and inside they found a golden beer and two glasses. They represented the reward and the opportunity of celebration for solving the task.
This project was a part of a larger exploration with Xperia Studio. We want to convey the message to the world that technology should be designed to be remixed, hacked and customized by its users. The process was filmed, and will be published as part of a larger promotion about the phones.
Credits: Johan Bichel Lindegaard, Mads Hobye, Malene Bichel, Nicolas Padfield and Dan Schou